Grant Application
Organisation name:
CC Registration number:
Address line 1
Address line 2
Address line 3
Address line 4
Contact Person
First name
Last name
Contact Number
Email address
Confirm Email address
Web Address
Bank account number
Please ensure the accuracy of your information, and apply the following format e.g. XX-XXXX-XXXXXXX-XXX
Grant amount requested
Organisation Description
Mission statement
Or provide a brief description of the purpose and objectives of your organisation. *This information may be used by CGF to promote your organisation's profile.
Briefly state the specific services or programmes your organisation provides.
Number of paid workers
Number of volunteers
Including board members.
Number of people who benefited from your organisation last year (estimate) in the region you operate..
Estimation to include family and/or friends support of clients. Please do not use NZ-wide statistics.
Geographical area
List the areas your organisation covers (cities, towns etc.).
Annual expenses for past year
Annual Income for past year
Grant Description
Grant purpose
What will funds specifically be used for?
Grant outcomes
Describe how the effectiveness of the funded project will be measured.
Other funding groups approached
List other Funding Groups approached for same purpose (names, amounts).
Anticipated income/expense variations
List any major new sources of income/expense anticipated in coming year
Other Funding
Previous grants received from CGF
List date and amount received
Has your organisation received or applied for funding from The Tindall Foundation in previous 12 months?
Additional documents
Please scan the following documents and email them directly to admin@commongood.org.nz
Type the subject line of your email as follows:
"(your organisation's name) grant documents"
Annual financial statements and Audit or Review statement
Professionally prepared annual financial statements and Audit or Review statement for the most recent financial year
Scanned bank deposit slip
A scanned copy of your organisation's bank deposit slip, statement header or certified certificate is required as verification.
Additional documentation
In support of your application if necessary; not mandatory
I declare the information supplied to be a true and accurate view of the applicant organisation at the time of signing. I have the authority to apply for funding on behalf of this organisation and do so in the knowledge that any funds received from CGF may be requested to be returned should this information be incorrect; the grant used for unspecified purposes; closure of the recipient organisation or the project funded is incomplete within the time specified.
If our application is successful we agree to promote our partnership with CGF where appropriate. We also give permission for CGF to promote our organisation’s profile if required.
Please check the highlighted fields